Ok, that settles it then: from now on, all blog posts will be in single-image format, no words. I'll try to work in mushrooms or mushroom-shaped objects as often as possible.
People often tell me that I look a lot like Jesus, so I always wear a Captain's hat so they can tell us apart. I also enjoy wearing robes and rockin' the tables.
Please refrain from using the term “LOL” in responses, as the Captain (that's me) finds it offensive. If you are a 14 year old girl, then you can use LOL. Otherwise, GFY.
I will, however, accept “haha”, “LMAO”, “that's funny”, etc. I will also accept “IALLOL” (I am literally laughing out loud), but only if you are literally laughing out loud.
If you are laughing on the inside, then use “LOTI”. If you are using LOL just to piss me off, then please add “IJULTPYO” (I'm just using LOL to piss you off).
That is the laziest post I have ever seen.
It was a quicky. You don't like quickies?
Works for me.
Ha! See, Ubermouth? Utegirl likes it. Why can't you be more like utegirl? Utegirl's nice.
Did somebody just fart after eating jalapenos?
That's very inappropriate, shelly. I try to keep it classy around here.
Ok Mr. Quickie. I'll fart some place else.
Ok, that settles it then: from now on, all blog posts will be in single-image format, no words. I'll try to work in mushrooms or mushroom-shaped objects as often as possible.
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